Yes. You can at any time choose to close your account and withdraw your investment. This is guaranteed.

If you want to close your account and withdraw your staked balance please open a ticket with our team by clicking this link. 

Standard Procedure

After you file an official request to close your account and take your staked money, the team will send you a link using which you can fully manage your withdrawal process. 

SALDA will display your staked amount and will ask you to authorize the operation. 

SALDA will also display the estimated time needed to give you your money. 

The time displayed is the time needed for SALDA to properly arrange for your withdrawal. 

  1. If your account was actively generating profits. the duration needed for complete closure might be up to 180 days

  2. If you have never received profit by the time you request to close your account, you will get your staked money immediately, no waiting period

Your withdrawal is guaranteed. If you wish to proceed and close your account please click here and let us know.